Anthony 19th October 2021

Still doesn't feel completely right, I miss you now and I'll miss you forever. I truly hope you're up there somewhere looking over all of us, while having the time of your life. You deserve it, there may of been demons but underneath all of that, you was perfect. I remember the beach holidays when I was young, every year at Christmas, all the fuss you went to for us all, putting out bags of presents. Then putting a feast on for the whole family and giving some of the best memories I'll cherish forever, not to mention the perfect childhood home. It sounds silly but you kept pestering me to make you a roast and I kept putting it off because I was busy with work if I only knew what was coming, I wouldn't of hesitated. Say hi to Nan and Grandad for us all. Can't wait to see you again, fly high Mum. Forever in all of ours hearts. Love you. ❤